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Materials Available for Clinical Use

AF-CBT Session Guide

Only available to those enrolled in a training group

The material is divided into three areas:

  1. Fundamental skills or issues that may need to be addressed at any time (e.g., escalation in hostility, safety planning).
  2. Specific topics (clinical content) for review in a given session.
    Each topic has a topic at a glance page, a background rationale, the full material (with exercises), and home practice assignments.
  3. Handouts and worksheets designed to support each topic.

Other Materials

Other materials are available for use, including flyers and brochures for families who may be considered for AF-CBT or for community stakeholders/partners, clinical assessment materials, and practice checklists for monitoring treatment delivery and fidelity.

  • Overview of AF-CBT Alternatives
  • AF-CBT Collaborative Change Framework
  • Evaluation of the sustainability and clinical outcome of Alternatives for Families: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT) in a child protection center
  • Treatment Research on AF-CBT
  • AF-CBT Spring Training 2015 flyer
  • Uploading Audio Files
  • AF-CBT Agency Metrics Summary
  • Treatment Research on AF-CBT
  • AF-CBT Flyer for Families
  • AF-CBT Flyer for Interested Clinicians
  • AF-CBT Brochure
  • Screening and Assesment Measures for Use in AF-CBT [pdf +doc]
  • Screen for AF-CBT Family Eligibility
  • Foster Care Phone Screen
  • Alabama Parenting Questionnaire
  • Brief Child Abuse Potential Inventory
  • Child PTSD Symptom Scale and Trauma Screen
  • Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
  • AF-CBT Flyer for Families
  • AF-CBT Flyer for Interested Clinicians
  • AF-CBT Brochure
  • AF-CBT Session Guide
  • AF-CBT Topics at a Glance
  • AF-CBT with Foster Parents Issues and Guidelines
  • AF-CBT Japanese Session Guide
  • AF-CBT 3rd Edition English Handouts
  • ABC Model
  • ABC Model Pathway
  • Reaction Triangle
  • Caregiver Weekly Safety Check-In
  • Child Weekly Safety Check-In
  • AF-CBT 3rd Edition Japanese Handouts
  • AF-CBT 3rd Edition Spanish Handouts
  • English Laminates
  • Spanish Laminates
  • Japanese Laminates
  • AF-CBT Topic and Task Checklist
  • Audio Recording Consent Template
  • AF-CBT Treatment Plan Template
  • AF-CBT Case Consultation Call Structure
  • AF-CBT Case Consultation Presentation and Feedback From


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AFP Trainings


Alternatives for Professionals is designed for professionals who do not provide direct counseling services to families.


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AF-CBT: A Clinical Overview and Update

June 12, 2024
1PM-2:30PM CDT

31st Annual APSAC Colloquium, New Orleans, LA