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Who is Appropriate for AF-CBT?


AF-CBT is appropriate for a broad range of families. The following general criteria have been developed to facilitate the identification of families who may benefit from this intervention.


  • A child, age 5-17, can participate now or soon
  • A caregiver (e.g., biological, adoptive, foster, or kin) can participate now or soon
  • Both caregiver and child have an adequate capacity or repertoire to learn/benefit from AF-CBT


  • The Family has frequent conflict(s) and/or arguments OR
  • A Caregiver shows anger (hostility), uses physical force/discipline (coercion), and/or has allegation/history of child physical abuse OR
  • A Child shows anger, has behavior problems (e.g., defiance, aggression, explosiveness), has trauma symptoms/PTSD after physical discipline/abuse, and/or has prior exposure to harsh discipline/physical abuse

A case is eligible is ALL 3 Background Criteria and 1 Clinical Criterion are met.

For a more complete description of AF-CBT eligibility criteria, please click here.


Prospective AF-CBT trainees must be mental health professionals with a Master's degree or higher. We ask that each trainee commit to implementing AF-CBT with at least 2 families during the course of the year.

AF-CBT should be conducted by individuals who have been formally trained in the model and who are familiar with the content, methods, assessments, and fidelity tools that are required to ensure effective administration of this approach.


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Baumann, Fitzgerald
Oct 30-31, 2024

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